
Nordic employment laws – a snapshot

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During this webinar lawyers from Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland will give you a glimpse of the employment law regulations applicable in each country.

We will cover areas such as:

• Selection in case of redundancy terminations
• Rules on termination for personal reasons
• Holiday accrual

During the webinar we will aim to highlight similarities and differences between the different countries´ legislation on the topics covered.

Target Group:
HR managers, HR directors, HR personnel, Personnel manager and others who have responsibility for personnel in one or more Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and/or Finland.)


Do you want to deepen your knowledge?

We offer several course options for advanced knowledge. Nordic Employment Law 1 – Similarities and Differences is an introductory course that provides a comparative overview of employment laws in the Nordic countries.

Nordic Employment Law 2 – Advanced Course dives deeper into complex topics like business transfers, discrimination, and handling redundancies.

Nordic Employment Law 3 – Redundancy and Reorganizations course focuses specifically on managing reorganizations and cross-border redundancies with practical tools and strategies. Together, these three courses equips HR professionals with the expertise to navigate Nordic labor laws effectively.

In addition, we offer Nordic Employment Law 2025 – Latest news and recent practice/case – law.


Frågor om kursen?

Telefon: 08-579 366 00
Kontakta oss: Kontakta oss

The webinar was broadcast on February 12 from 12:00 to 12:35


presentation-board 5
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Antti Rajamäki
Advokat (FI)
Antti Rajamäki works as an employment law counsel at Dottir Attorneys and advices clients on all employment law related matters...
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presentation-board 9
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Dino Kalamujic
Dino är partner på edpLaw Advokatbyrå och är specialiserad på arbetsrätt. Med fjorton års erfarenhet har Dino hjälpt internationella och...
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presentation-board 5
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Håkon Andreassen
Advokat & partner (NO)
Håkon Andreassen is partner at Norwegian employment law boutique firm Storeng, Beck & Due Lund. He has extensive experience from...
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presentation-board 21
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Johan Sundberg
Johan Sundberg är advokat på edpLaw och har mer än 20 års erfarenhet av dataskyddsfrågor och arbetsrättsfrågor. Han är rankad...
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presentation-board 5
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Jonas Enkegaard
Advokat & partner (DK)
Jonas Enkegaard is a partner with the law firm Skau Reipurth in Copenhagen. He specialises in employment and labour law....
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