
Nordic employment law 3 - redundancy and reorganizations

Betyg 4.78 av 5.0

During this course day, we review the regulations for dealing with redundancy and reorganizations in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark. The rules differ considerably both materially and in terms of the formalities to be observed.

4.78 out of 5.0 ⭐

This course also includes a section on project management of reorganizations that extend across borders, which is of importance regarding time planning e.g. for information to trade unions and employee representatives. During the day practical cases will also be highlighted. The emphasis is on the regulations in Norway, Finland, and Denmark. The course is held in English.

”I really enjoyed the three day course. Amazing content and altering and compering the four different jurisdictions. Would recommend it strongly to anyone wanting to take a course in Nordic employment law!”

Monika Bacic

Parts of the course content will be presented by lecturers participating digitally.

As participant, you will gain further knowledge regarding:

  • Project management of cross-border reorganizations in the Nordic region, e.g., regarding communication with trade unions
  • The material and formal rules regarding redundancy and reorganizations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland.
  • Practical tips and best practice

Target Group:

HR managers, HR business partners, corporate lawyers

The aim of the course: 

The course aims to provide participants with knowledge and tools to identify and manage issues that arise in the event of reorganizations and shortages of work in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.

This course is a part of a series consisting of three courses that takes up different parts of Nordic employment law.

Nordic Employment Law 1- Similarities and differences

The first course highlights the main differences regarding employment law between the Nordic countries.

Nordic Employment Law 2- Advance course

The second course is an advance extension of day one and will address several topics on a deeper level.

Nordic Employment Law 3- Redundancy and reorganizations

The third course is independent and is aimed to participants who wishes do dive even deeper into Nordic employment law. The course will discuss the regulations for dealing with labor shortages and reorganizations in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark. These rules differ considerably both materially and in terms of the formalities which are to be observed.

08.30 – 09.00
Registration and breakfast

09.00 – 10.15
First session
Material and formal rules in Norway and best practices

10.15 – 10.30
Coffee break

10.30 – 11.45
Second session
Continue of first session- Material and formal rules in Norway

Material and formal rules in Finland.

11.45 – 12.45
Lunch (included)

12.45 – 14.15
Third Session
Material and formal rules in Denmark
Material and formal rules in Sweden

14.15 – 14:30
Coffee break

14.30 – 16:00
Fourth session
Project management of cross-border reorganizations and best practices.

End of course

Frågor om kursen?

Telefon: 08-579 366 00
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8.900 kr (exkl. moms)



15 Maj 2025


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BG Institute

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On Demand
T.o.m. 15 Jun 2025

Utbildningstimmar: 6


22 Maj 2026


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BG Institute

Platser finns

On Demand
T.o.m. 22 Jun 2026

Utbildningstimmar: 6

Ingår i Kompetensabonnemang

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This course will be broadcasted live from Stockholm. After the course is completed all participants will receive a recording of the course that is available for 30 days.

Parts of the course content will be presented by lecturers participating digitally


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